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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Fruits You Shouldn’t Keep in the Refrigerator.

For many people who like to buy Fruits in large quantities at a time and use the method of preserving. It by putting it in the refrigerator, you may have to change your mind. If you know that some of the fruits you are putting

What does a headache indicate?

Headache can occur in all ages and genders. They are mostly found in working age, middle-age and elderly people. Each age group has a different proportion of chances of getting various diseases. For example, working age people may encounter non-dangerous diseases, while elderly people and

How to take care of yourself before and after facial Gua Sha. 

Gua sha, which typically uses a tool made of jade or other stone to scrape the skin in specific patterns, is believe to stimulate circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote lymphatic drainage. The benefits of Gua Sha on the skin are that it helps slow down

hearing loss danger from loud noise

hearing loss danger from loud noise Acute is a disease that can happen to anyone of any gender and age. However, hearing loss or acute is a disease. That can be cured. If it is not enough, but if the patient or person who already

Vitamins nutrients that are not necessary for the body

Vitamins nutrients that are not necessary for the body. Nutrients received The least care, but friends, do you know that? A lack of vitamins in our body for a long time will cause negative effects. to our bodies as well Symptoms of vitamin deficiency that

5 signs showing symptoms of colon cancer

5 signs showing symptoms of colon cancer Colon cancer is a disease that is often overlook, with most people tending to give more importance to other diseases. But in reality, the disease that we must give importance and care about is colon cancer because people

Fears or phobia that can happen to anyone.

Fears or phobia that can happen to anyone. 1. Fear of holes (Trypophobia) Trypophobia: Has anyone ever had this? When you see something that looks like a hole or a hole with a lot of spots, you will feel afraid, don’t want to look, disgusted,

“Celery juice” and its benefits and disadvantages 

“Celery juice” or freshly squeezed celery juice is popular among all health lovers right now. It has been recommended over and over and advertised as a health drink with low energy content. and high in nutrients Therefore, it is popular for people who are losing weight. But although it is very useful There

“Eating spicy food” often causes what kind of disease?

“Spicy” Some people may have known that “spicy” is not a flavor, but rather a pain that is perceived from certain compounds in chili peppers. Still, we have to admit that spicy food is a favorite of many people. Especially Thai people Because it can increase your appetite. However, the food