Headache can occur in all ages and genders. They are mostly found in working age, middle-age and elderly people. Each age group has a different proportion of chances of getting various diseases. For example, working age people may encounter non-dangerous diseases, while elderly people and above will encounter more dangerous diseases.

Aching all over the head, throbbing headache Tension-type headaches are the most common type of headache. They often occur in people who are stress, tired, or overworked. The pain is usually a tight or constricting sensation on both sides of the head and neck. The pain is usually mild to moderate in intensity. There may also be pain in the muscles in the head, neck, or shoulders. This type of pain does not get worse with daily activities and is usually not accompanied by nausea or vomiting.hs, or years, depending on stress and rest.
Unilateral headache is a migraine headache. It usually causes a throbbing headache on one side of the head (Unilateral) ufabet https://ufabet999.app, but sometimes it can affect both sides or the entire head. It can also cause nausea, vomiting, and photosensitivity. Is cause by a temporary abnormality in chemical levels in the brain, causing blood vessels in the meninges to contract and relax more than normal.
For those who have experienc pain in a repetitive pattern and then suddenly the pattern changes in a bad way, such as more severe pain, changing the location of the pain, or longer duration, or sometimes being asleep and being awaken by the pain, these are quite dangerous changes.
Cluster headaches are severe headaches that occur on one side of the head. The pain is usually felt around the eye or on the temple. The eye is red and the tears come out on the same side as the pain. Each episode of pain lasts for about 5 minutes or up to 3 hours. The pain occurs frequently and at specific times.
Sinus headaches are similar to migraines and common colds so much that it can be hard to tell them apart, but sinuses are dull pain in the forehead, nasal cavities, and cheekbones.
Facial nerve inflammation headaches can cause pain in the face and ears. The pain is usually tingling and feels like an electric shock. Symptoms can be trigger by touching the hand, washing the face, or chewing food.
Severe headaches that you have never experienced before may be cause by a stroke or brain tumor. There will be severe pain and other symptoms such as abnormal vision, double vision, blurred vision, numbness, weakness in the muscles in the arms and legs, difficulty balancing, or some people may have seizures. These are severe symptoms and require immediate medical attention.